“Howard Martin is one of those men in the world who has been given the gift of communication. That is to say, he has the ability to be crystal clear. If you ever have a chance to hear Howard Martin speak, by all means, do so. He’s funny, he’s warm, he’s clear, and you will walk away with more insight and information than you’ve had in a very long time.” Chantal Westerman, Executive Producer, ABC’s Good Morning America
More about Global Coherance
Millions of people around the globe sense that ours is an extraordinary age, that the paradigm shift of human consciousness foreseen in the 20th century is under way in the 21st, that we are no longer at the crossroads of change, but are marching forward on a path whose promise is no less than the healing of ourselves and our planet.
Millions of people recognise that their mediations, prayers, affirmations and intentions can and do make a difference in the world. The Global Coherence Initiative is a project that is uniting people around the world into an organised community of conscious co-creators.
To support this project new technology, The Global Coherence Monitoring System, is being developed at HeartMath. This advanced technology will allow us to observe changes in the earth’s energetic fields which is believed by some in the scientific community to be affected by mass human emotion, positive or negative. The Global Coherence Monitoring System will provide a new level of scientific validation of the effectiveness of collective consciousness intentions and allow us to better focus our energetic intentions on specific planetary needs. During After 2012—What’s Next? you’ll learn more about this project and you’ll receive training on how to increase your personal coherence to fully participate in this project which is being called perhaps the most important experiments of all time.
Millions of people recognise that their mediations, prayers, affirmations and intentions can and do make a difference in the world. The Global Coherence Initiative is a project that is uniting people around the world into an organised community of conscious co-creators.
To support this project new technology, The Global Coherence Monitoring System, is being developed at HeartMath. This advanced technology will allow us to observe changes in the earth’s energetic fields which is believed by some in the scientific community to be affected by mass human emotion, positive or negative. The Global Coherence Monitoring System will provide a new level of scientific validation of the effectiveness of collective consciousness intentions and allow us to better focus our energetic intentions on specific planetary needs. During After 2012—What’s Next? you’ll learn more about this project and you’ll receive training on how to increase your personal coherence to fully participate in this project which is being called perhaps the most important experiments of all time.
What others have said about Howard
“Howard Martin has inspired thousands of people around the world to gain better control of their lives. His work is paramount in helping people change their health, increase their mental edge, alter the internal chemistry of their stress response, realize their spiritual connection by opening their heart and unfold into a more enriched destiny. His eloquent presentations are simple, light-hearted, inspirational, scientifically valid, and most importantly, they work. Howard is the living example of the natural balance between head and heart.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza, featured speaker in What the BLEEP Do We Know, author Evolve Your Brain
“Howard Martin is as riveting a speaker as is his subject, the HeartMath System. Inspiring, personable and humorous, Howard shares the wisdom of HeartMath with warmth and clarity, offering the listener an educational experience of the HeartMath technology and tools. Howard Martin is without doubt one of the most compelling voices of our time.”
Chris Hooper, Chris Hooper Promotions & Management - Australia
“I don’t know anyone who can put as many mind-expanding concepts into a single sentence as Howard Martin. Howard’s eloquence as a speaker appears to be a mere hint of his vast knowledge and intelligence. He is a speaker worth crossing continents to experience!”
Ann Terranova, President, Sirius Money Management, San Francisco, CA
“Howard has this delightful way of putting the truth out there for everyone to hear. He does it in such away that you can really identify with your own ups and downs and know that you are not alone.”
Edie Fritz, Ph.D., Educator, Phoenix, AZ
“Nearly every disease or illness I’ve seen or treated in two decades of medical practice could have been improved or even cured had my patients or I known how to access the physical power of our heart’s intelligence. HeartMath is the owner’s manual we’ve been waiting for to help us recognize and use our heart’s energy to help heal our bodies and our lives.”
Christiane Northrup, M.D. author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“ HeartMath’s techniques are unusually effective for reducing anxiety and improving performance. Unlike many other services and products that make similar claims, it has a solid scientific basis, and has been thoroughly tested in the workplace and other settings that have clearly demonstrated these benefits."
Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P., President of the American Institute of Stress and Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, New York Medical College
“The HeartMath Solution is a celebration of the intelligence of the heart and a practical guide to living it.”
Gary Zukav, author of The Seat of the Soul
“Howard Martin is one of those rare speakers who actually reaches an audience and changes them for the better in a matter of an hour. Howard crackles with enthusiasm and gives the common touch and uncommon electricity.”
Murray Steinman, Vice President, Church Universal and Triumphant, Livingston, MT
“Howard Martin has the rare ability to communicate the relationship of the heart and mind’s intelligence and how they work together to harness the awesome power of human potential. He is a pioneer and visionary for the 21st century.”
Craig and Patricia Neal, Founders, Heartland Institute, Minneapolis, MN
The recent conference in Seattle with Howard blew me right out of my complacency, lethargy, hopelessness, anger and despair into the vibrant arena of LIFE! Whomever said that one person can't make a difference in the world had it all wrong. Howard and HeartMath have absolutely and unequivocally changed my life!
Patricia Timko, Seattle Washington
Dr. Joe Dispenza, featured speaker in What the BLEEP Do We Know, author Evolve Your Brain
“Howard Martin is as riveting a speaker as is his subject, the HeartMath System. Inspiring, personable and humorous, Howard shares the wisdom of HeartMath with warmth and clarity, offering the listener an educational experience of the HeartMath technology and tools. Howard Martin is without doubt one of the most compelling voices of our time.”
Chris Hooper, Chris Hooper Promotions & Management - Australia
“I don’t know anyone who can put as many mind-expanding concepts into a single sentence as Howard Martin. Howard’s eloquence as a speaker appears to be a mere hint of his vast knowledge and intelligence. He is a speaker worth crossing continents to experience!”
Ann Terranova, President, Sirius Money Management, San Francisco, CA
“Howard has this delightful way of putting the truth out there for everyone to hear. He does it in such away that you can really identify with your own ups and downs and know that you are not alone.”
Edie Fritz, Ph.D., Educator, Phoenix, AZ
“Nearly every disease or illness I’ve seen or treated in two decades of medical practice could have been improved or even cured had my patients or I known how to access the physical power of our heart’s intelligence. HeartMath is the owner’s manual we’ve been waiting for to help us recognize and use our heart’s energy to help heal our bodies and our lives.”
Christiane Northrup, M.D. author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“ HeartMath’s techniques are unusually effective for reducing anxiety and improving performance. Unlike many other services and products that make similar claims, it has a solid scientific basis, and has been thoroughly tested in the workplace and other settings that have clearly demonstrated these benefits."
Paul J. Rosch, M.D., F.A.C.P., President of the American Institute of Stress and Clinical Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry, New York Medical College
“The HeartMath Solution is a celebration of the intelligence of the heart and a practical guide to living it.”
Gary Zukav, author of The Seat of the Soul
“Howard Martin is one of those rare speakers who actually reaches an audience and changes them for the better in a matter of an hour. Howard crackles with enthusiasm and gives the common touch and uncommon electricity.”
Murray Steinman, Vice President, Church Universal and Triumphant, Livingston, MT
“Howard Martin has the rare ability to communicate the relationship of the heart and mind’s intelligence and how they work together to harness the awesome power of human potential. He is a pioneer and visionary for the 21st century.”
Craig and Patricia Neal, Founders, Heartland Institute, Minneapolis, MN
The recent conference in Seattle with Howard blew me right out of my complacency, lethargy, hopelessness, anger and despair into the vibrant arena of LIFE! Whomever said that one person can't make a difference in the world had it all wrong. Howard and HeartMath have absolutely and unequivocally changed my life!
Patricia Timko, Seattle Washington